Upcoming events:
Don't forget the world championship Radio Marblehead this year at Reeuwijk, near Gouda,
Netherlands, from 5 to 11 July 2014.
1) Date of Event
22 & 23 February, 2014
2) Venue:
HMYC Midmar Dam
In the event that the venue is unsuitable at the time for Marbleheads the Race Committee reserves the right to move the race venue to another suitable venue.
3) Organising Authority:
The Regatta is organised by Radio Sailing KZN (RSKZN) under the auspices of South African Radio Sailing Authority (SARSA) Sailing KZN, South African Sailing and is hosted by the Maritzburg Radio Yacht Club.
4) Rules:
The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013 - 2016 (RRS) as changed by RRS Appendix E, this Notice of Race (NoR), the Sailing Instructions (SI), the International RM Class Rules and the Equipment Rules of Sailing 2013 - 2016 (ERS). The Sailing Instructions shall prevail in case of conflict with this Notice of Race, except where Rule 63.7 applies.
5) Eligibility:
The competition is open to RM class boats.
Any competitor shall be a member in good standing of a Yacht Club, SARSA and SAS
7) Entries:
Closing date for the entries is 13h00 on the 22 February 2014. An entry fee of R25.00 is payable at registration. Entries will be accepted from 10h00 on the 22 February 2014.
8) Registration
Boats, together with their current valid measurement certificates shall be presented for registration between 10h00 and 13h00hrs on the 22 February 2014. No boat shall be eligible to race until it has been registered.
9) Schedule of Racing
There will be a maximum of 30 races for this Inter - Provincial Championship.
The first race shall not start before 13h30 and the last race after 16h30 on Saturday 22 February 2014.
The first race shall not start before 09h30 and the last race after 13h30 on Sunday 23 February 2014. If no boat in the final heat of the intended last race has sailed the course in accordance with RRS28.1 and finished by 14h00 hrs then that race will be abandoned and the previous race will be taken as the final race.
10) Sailing Instructions:
Sailing Instructions will be available at registration on request.
Any change to the Sailing Instructions shall be implemented only between heats. Two sound signals shall be made to gather the competitors' attention and an official announcement shall then follow.
11) Scoring and Racing System
Racing will be as per current HMS unless there are insufficient entries in which case all boats will sail at once.
Scoring of individual races will be as per the low point system except that the time limit for a boat to finish a race will be three minutes.
The scores of at least three or the highest equal number of Provincial Skippers will be totalled per Province and the Province with the least points will be the winning Province and receive the Keith Mackey Floating Trophy. Unfilled numbers below three will be recorded as DNS.
12) Measurement:
The Race committee may request at any time that the Event Measurer check that a boat remains within class rules.
13) Jury:
If required a Jury shall be selected from race committee members and or competitors and should contain one member of the RSKZN. The decisions of the Jury shall not be subject to appeal. (RRS 70.4)[Author ID2: at Thu Apr 3 12:12:00 2003 ]
14) Frequencies:
Frequencies will be checked prior to the start.
15) Prizes and Trophies:
The winning team which will be the team with the lowest total score of the highest equal number of skippers per Province will be awarded the Keith Mackey floating trophy.
16) Liability:
All those entering or taking part in this Championship do so at their own risk and responsibility. RSKZN, Sailing KZN, SAS and any other parties involved in the organisation of this event disclaim:
Any and every responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and goods, both ashore and on the water as a consequence of entering or participating in the Championship covered by this Notice of Race.
At all times the responsibility for the safety of their boat and themselves plus the decision to participate or continue must rest with the competitors.