The Discipline Authority will be known as the SOUTH AFRICAN RADIO
SAILING AUTHORITY (hereinafter referred to as SARSA.)
As Divisional member of ISAF-RSD and Discipline Authority of South African Sailing,
SARSA shall be the sole Authority for Radio Sailing in South Africa in accordance
with this By-law .
Members of SARSA, being members of SAS in good standing, shall be entitled to the privileges of SAS members, including SAS medals, SAS colours, Regional colours in accordance with SAS and its Regional By-Laws.
To encourage and promote Radio Sailing in all its forms
In furtherance of these aims SARSA shall: -
(i) Act as the Divisional Member of ISAF-RSD for South Africa.
(ii) Affiliate with like bodies in the furtherance of the sport.
(iii) Act as the National Class Association where no dedicated National Class Association exists.
(iv) Promulgate rules governing racing and measurement of yachts as laid down by I S A F - Radio Sailing Division, South African Sailing and Class Associations.
(v). Promote, delegate and approve National and International events.
(vi). Arbitrate as a final authority on appeals against protest decisions, or rules disputes.
(vii) Promulgate and maintain SARSA bylaws as necessary
SARSA shall comprise:
(i) Affiliated Clubs
Autonomous and properly constituted Radio Sailing Clubs and Radio Sailing Divisions of SAS affiliated clubs having a minimum of 6 members, and whose constitutional objectives are compatible with the provisions of this Bylaw may be affiliated to SARSA on application via the SARSA Regional Authorities
(ii) Regional Authorities
Affiliated Clubs in designated Geographical regions shall form Regional Authorities of SARSA, in accordance with SARSA Bylaw no. 3, subject to SARSA approval of their constitution, to promote and Administer Radio Sailing in Regions of South Africa in terms of this Bylaw.
Where only one Radio Sailing club exists in any one region that club may be recognised as the Regional Authority.
(iii) Ordinary Members
All members in good standing, of Radio Sailing Clubs and Radio Sailing Divisions of non-Radio Sailing clubs that are affiliated to SARSA, shall automatically be members of SARSA.
Members of Sailing clubs, having less than 6 Registered Radio Control boats, may register with SARSA as ordinary members on application through SARSA Regional Authorities
(iv). Class Associations
Properly Formed and constituted Radio controlled yacht Class Associations will be recognised by SARSA.
Class Associations shall administer their affairs autonomously and may organise International, National and Regional Championships subject to the prior approval of SARSA.
Class Association representatives may speak in support or against any issue, but shall have no voting power. Class Associations shall have representation via their members at Club and/or Regional level.
The SARSA Executive shall consist of one Delegated Member from each SARSA Regional Authority Committee.
The Executive shall elect its own Chairman from amongst these members.
The Executive may appoint:
1. A National Secretary
2. A National Measurer and Registrar
3. Custodian of the Rules 36” Shipmate Class
4. Class Secretaries if deemed necessary
5. Any other portfolio as may be necessary
These may or may not necessarily be members of the Executive, but if not one of
the Executive they shall not have voting rights.
Regional Representation on a SAS Regional Authority shall be a member of SARSA’s Regional Authority Committee for that area.
(i) The Chairman will hold office for a MINIMUM of two years, (or the period between ELECTORAL MEETINGS), with a MAXIMUM of two periods consecutively.
(ii) Other Executive members will hold office from electoral meeting to electoral meeting
An Electoral Meeting will be held every two years between
1 September and 30 November in even numbered years and shall be followed immediately by a General meeting.
The Regional Authorities shall advise the Secretary or Chairman 45 days prior to the Electoral meeting of the names of the regional delegates who will represent their Region for the 2 year period of office commencing at that meeting. These names shall appear in the Agenda/Notice for that meeting.
Written Notice of the ELECTORAL MEETING together with the Agenda shall be in the hands of Regional Authorities at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.
The Only Agenda for the Electoral Meeting shall be: -
(i) Adoption of Minutes from the previous ELECTORAL MEETING.
(ii) Reading and adoption of the Chairman’s report.
(iii) Reading and adoption of the Financial Statement and Balance Sheet for the two-year period ending at that meeting.
(iv) Election of the Chairman.
(v) Appointment of Secretary/Treasure and other portfolios as may be required
The Executive shall call a General Meeting to be held annually between 1 September
and 31 November each year.
Matters on the agenda for this meeting shall be: -
(i) Adoption of Minutes from the previous GENERAL MEETING.
(ii) Adoption of the Financial Statement and Balance Sheet for the one-year period ending at that meeting.
(iii) Decide on the amount of members Annual Subscription for the ensuing year if applicable.
(iv) Confirm the appointment of portfolios for the ensuing period
(v) Any further matters requiring discussion
The Executive may call additional General Meetings as and when deemed necessary, subject to the notice thereof and the agenda being in the hands of the Regional Authorities at least 21 days prior to the meeting.
Extra-ordinary General Meetings may be called at the request of a minimum of 25% of the registered ordinary members of SARSA. Such request must be made in writing to the Executive Committee, by a Regional Authority, and shall list the names of the members so requesting the meeting. The Executive shall notify all Regional Authorities 30 days prior to such meeting, the date of such meeting, which shall be no later than 60 days after such request is received by the Executive.
All ordinary members may attend this meeting and may speak, but shall have no vote.
If necessary, any matters of contention arising between General meetings, may be voted upon by the Executive by electronic communications (i.e. e-mail or fax) between the Regional Representatives.
All ordinary members of the Association may attend Electoral Meetings or General meetings
(I) Each Regional Authority entitled to vote shall have only ONE vote in each ballot.
(ii) The Chairman shall have a CASTING VOTE should there be a deadlock in voting.
8.4 QUORUM: -
At any meeting the following minimum number of Regional Representatives must be represented to constitute a Quorum:-
Number of
Regions Quorum
5 4
4 3
3 2
2 2
Extra-ordinary Electoral Meetings may be called by the Executive with the appropriate 30 days notice.
(i). The Chairman shall:-
(a) Conduct all meetings
(b) Conduct the affairs of SARSA in consultation with and with the assistance of the other members of the Executive
(c) Submit an annual Report and summary of the activities of the SARSA and the Executive.
(d) Carry out the duties of Secretary/Treasurer should no dedicated Secretary/Treasurer be appointed
(ii) The SECRETARY/TREASURER (if appointed) shall:-
(a) Attend all meetings and keep Minutes thereof, copies of which are to be in the hands of Regional Representatives not later than 30 days after the meeting is held.
(b) Conduct all correspondence and business of the Association.
(c) Take care of all funds and moneys, keep suitable accounts and render a final written Financial Statement at the end of his term of office.
(d) In the event of the Chairman resigning or being unable to carry out his duties, the executive shall appoint an acting Chairman from among it’s members, to hold office until the Regional Authority affected appoints a replacement delegate, and the Executive appoints a new Chairman to hold office for the remainder of the period.
(iii). The Regional Delegates shall:-
(a) Attend meetings on behalf of their Regional Authority.
(b) Report to the Executive on all matters concerning their Regional Authorities
(c) Vote on behalf of their Regional Authorities on all matters when required.
(d) Report back to their Regional Authorities on all matters.
An annual levy of an amount as may be determined by SARSA at each Annual General Meeting for each coming year, shall be payable by all Regional Authorities as an affiliation fee for itself and each of its members.
This levy shall be payable not later than 60 days after the Annual General Meeting.
A banking account shall be kept by the chairman or Secretary/Treasurer
in the name of SARSA, at a financial institution convenient to the chairman and/or the Secretary/Treasurer, both of whom, providing the Secretary is a member of the Executive, may be signatories although only one signature shall be required.
The Chairman or Secretary/Treasurer may make withdrawals of up to R200.00 without the approval of the EXECUTIVE.
(i) Bye-laws may be amended at any time by decision of the Executive.
(ii) The Constitution may be amended at a General Meeting on a formal proposal that has been circulated to all Clubs at least two months prior to the meeting.
Amendments must be passed by a majority vote on the following basis.
Number of Majority Vote
Regions Required
5 4
4 3
3 2
2 2
The liability of each member shall be limited to his fee and other liability incurred by him with SARSA
SARSA shall be liable for its own debts and any assistance of whatever nature granted to any other Association or body shall not render it liable for the debts of such bodies.
SARSA may be sued in its own name in any court of law in the Republic of South Africa and all processes of lay notices and the likes shall be regarded as sufficiently served on SARSA if served on the Chairman personally. The Chairman or and members of the executive shall not be personally liable for any loss suffered.
SARSA may be dissolved by a formal resolution to that effect, which has been submitted to all members of Regional Authorities.
A majority vote of at least 80% of all Ordinary Members of SARSA shall be required to carry the resolution. Such a resolution shall state the manner in which the assets or liabilities of SARSA shall be resolved.
Interpretation of the Constitution and Rules of SARSA shall be vested in the EXECUTIVE. An interpretation, agreed by a majority vote of Regional Authorities entitled to vote, will be final and binding In the event that a majority vote is not achieved, South African Sailing shall be requested to act as arbitrator.
Dated: 28 April 2005
The Discipline Authority will be known as the SOUTH AFRICAN RADIO
SAILING AUTHORITY (hereinafter referred to as SARSA.)
As Divisional member of ISAF-RSD and Discipline Authority of South African Sailing,
SARSA shall be the sole Authority for Radio Sailing in South Africa in accordance
with this By-law .
Members of SARSA, being members of SAS in good standing, shall be entitled to the privileges of SAS members, including SAS medals, SAS colours, Regional colours in accordance with SAS and its Regional By-Laws.
To encourage and promote Radio Sailing in all its forms
In furtherance of these aims SARSA shall: -
(i) Act as the Divisional Member of ISAF-RSD for South Africa.
(ii) Affiliate with like bodies in the furtherance of the sport.
(iii) Act as the National Class Association where no dedicated National Class Association exists.
(iv) Promulgate rules governing racing and measurement of yachts as laid down by I S A F - Radio Sailing Division, South African Sailing and Class Associations.
(v). Promote, delegate and approve National and International events.
(vi). Arbitrate as a final authority on appeals against protest decisions, or rules disputes.
(vii) Promulgate and maintain SARSA bylaws as necessary
SARSA shall comprise:
(i) Affiliated Clubs
Autonomous and properly constituted Radio Sailing Clubs and Radio Sailing Divisions of SAS affiliated clubs having a minimum of 6 members, and whose constitutional objectives are compatible with the provisions of this Bylaw may be affiliated to SARSA on application via the SARSA Regional Authorities
(ii) Regional Authorities
Affiliated Clubs in designated Geographical regions shall form Regional Authorities of SARSA, in accordance with SARSA Bylaw no. 3, subject to SARSA approval of their constitution, to promote and Administer Radio Sailing in Regions of South Africa in terms of this Bylaw.
Where only one Radio Sailing club exists in any one region that club may be recognised as the Regional Authority.
(iii) Ordinary Members
All members in good standing, of Radio Sailing Clubs and Radio Sailing Divisions of non-Radio Sailing clubs that are affiliated to SARSA, shall automatically be members of SARSA.
Members of Sailing clubs, having less than 6 Registered Radio Control boats, may register with SARSA as ordinary members on application through SARSA Regional Authorities
(iv). Class Associations
Properly Formed and constituted Radio controlled yacht Class Associations will be recognised by SARSA.
Class Associations shall administer their affairs autonomously and may organise International, National and Regional Championships subject to the prior approval of SARSA.
Class Association representatives may speak in support or against any issue, but shall have no voting power. Class Associations shall have representation via their members at Club and/or Regional level.
The SARSA Executive shall consist of one Delegated Member from each SARSA Regional Authority Committee.
The Executive shall elect its own Chairman from amongst these members.
The Executive may appoint:
1. A National Secretary
2. A National Measurer and Registrar
3. Custodian of the Rules 36” Shipmate Class
4. Class Secretaries if deemed necessary
5. Any other portfolio as may be necessary
These may or may not necessarily be members of the Executive, but if not one of
the Executive they shall not have voting rights.
Regional Representation on a SAS Regional Authority shall be a member of SARSA’s Regional Authority Committee for that area.
(i) The Chairman will hold office for a MINIMUM of two years, (or the period between ELECTORAL MEETINGS), with a MAXIMUM of two periods consecutively.
(ii) Other Executive members will hold office from electoral meeting to electoral meeting
An Electoral Meeting will be held every two years between
1 September and 30 November in even numbered years and shall be followed immediately by a General meeting.
The Regional Authorities shall advise the Secretary or Chairman 45 days prior to the Electoral meeting of the names of the regional delegates who will represent their Region for the 2 year period of office commencing at that meeting. These names shall appear in the Agenda/Notice for that meeting.
Written Notice of the ELECTORAL MEETING together with the Agenda shall be in the hands of Regional Authorities at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.
The Only Agenda for the Electoral Meeting shall be: -
(i) Adoption of Minutes from the previous ELECTORAL MEETING.
(ii) Reading and adoption of the Chairman’s report.
(iii) Reading and adoption of the Financial Statement and Balance Sheet for the two-year period ending at that meeting.
(iv) Election of the Chairman.
(v) Appointment of Secretary/Treasure and other portfolios as may be required
The Executive shall call a General Meeting to be held annually between 1 September
and 31 November each year.
Matters on the agenda for this meeting shall be: -
(i) Adoption of Minutes from the previous GENERAL MEETING.
(ii) Adoption of the Financial Statement and Balance Sheet for the one-year period ending at that meeting.
(iii) Decide on the amount of members Annual Subscription for the ensuing year if applicable.
(iv) Confirm the appointment of portfolios for the ensuing period
(v) Any further matters requiring discussion
The Executive may call additional General Meetings as and when deemed necessary, subject to the notice thereof and the agenda being in the hands of the Regional Authorities at least 21 days prior to the meeting.
Extra-ordinary General Meetings may be called at the request of a minimum of 25% of the registered ordinary members of SARSA. Such request must be made in writing to the Executive Committee, by a Regional Authority, and shall list the names of the members so requesting the meeting. The Executive shall notify all Regional Authorities 30 days prior to such meeting, the date of such meeting, which shall be no later than 60 days after such request is received by the Executive.
All ordinary members may attend this meeting and may speak, but shall have no vote.
If necessary, any matters of contention arising between General meetings, may be voted upon by the Executive by electronic communications (i.e. e-mail or fax) between the Regional Representatives.
All ordinary members of the Association may attend Electoral Meetings or General meetings
(I) Each Regional Authority entitled to vote shall have only ONE vote in each ballot.
(ii) The Chairman shall have a CASTING VOTE should there be a deadlock in voting.
8.4 QUORUM: -
At any meeting the following minimum number of Regional Representatives must be represented to constitute a Quorum:-
Number of
Regions Quorum
5 4
4 3
3 2
2 2
Extra-ordinary Electoral Meetings may be called by the Executive with the appropriate 30 days notice.
(i). The Chairman shall:-
(a) Conduct all meetings
(b) Conduct the affairs of SARSA in consultation with and with the assistance of the other members of the Executive
(c) Submit an annual Report and summary of the activities of the SARSA and the Executive.
(d) Carry out the duties of Secretary/Treasurer should no dedicated Secretary/Treasurer be appointed
(ii) The SECRETARY/TREASURER (if appointed) shall:-
(a) Attend all meetings and keep Minutes thereof, copies of which are to be in the hands of Regional Representatives not later than 30 days after the meeting is held.
(b) Conduct all correspondence and business of the Association.
(c) Take care of all funds and moneys, keep suitable accounts and render a final written Financial Statement at the end of his term of office.
(d) In the event of the Chairman resigning or being unable to carry out his duties, the executive shall appoint an acting Chairman from among it’s members, to hold office until the Regional Authority affected appoints a replacement delegate, and the Executive appoints a new Chairman to hold office for the remainder of the period.
(iii). The Regional Delegates shall:-
(a) Attend meetings on behalf of their Regional Authority.
(b) Report to the Executive on all matters concerning their Regional Authorities
(c) Vote on behalf of their Regional Authorities on all matters when required.
(d) Report back to their Regional Authorities on all matters.
An annual levy of an amount as may be determined by SARSA at each Annual General Meeting for each coming year, shall be payable by all Regional Authorities as an affiliation fee for itself and each of its members.
This levy shall be payable not later than 60 days after the Annual General Meeting.
A banking account shall be kept by the chairman or Secretary/Treasurer
in the name of SARSA, at a financial institution convenient to the chairman and/or the Secretary/Treasurer, both of whom, providing the Secretary is a member of the Executive, may be signatories although only one signature shall be required.
The Chairman or Secretary/Treasurer may make withdrawals of up to R200.00 without the approval of the EXECUTIVE.
(i) Bye-laws may be amended at any time by decision of the Executive.
(ii) The Constitution may be amended at a General Meeting on a formal proposal that has been circulated to all Clubs at least two months prior to the meeting.
Amendments must be passed by a majority vote on the following basis.
Number of Majority Vote
Regions Required
5 4
4 3
3 2
2 2
The liability of each member shall be limited to his fee and other liability incurred by him with SARSA
SARSA shall be liable for its own debts and any assistance of whatever nature granted to any other Association or body shall not render it liable for the debts of such bodies.
SARSA may be sued in its own name in any court of law in the Republic of South Africa and all processes of lay notices and the likes shall be regarded as sufficiently served on SARSA if served on the Chairman personally. The Chairman or and members of the executive shall not be personally liable for any loss suffered.
SARSA may be dissolved by a formal resolution to that effect, which has been submitted to all members of Regional Authorities.
A majority vote of at least 80% of all Ordinary Members of SARSA shall be required to carry the resolution. Such a resolution shall state the manner in which the assets or liabilities of SARSA shall be resolved.
Interpretation of the Constitution and Rules of SARSA shall be vested in the EXECUTIVE. An interpretation, agreed by a majority vote of Regional Authorities entitled to vote, will be final and binding In the event that a majority vote is not achieved, South African Sailing shall be requested to act as arbitrator.
Dated: 28 April 2005
Applicable from 22 Feb.2004
a) Maintain a centralised database of SARSA Members, Boat numbers and Personal numbers
b) Issue Boat Registration Numbers and Personal Numbers as and when requested via club Secretaries or Commodores.
c) Issue Measurement Certificates to valid measurement forms.
d) Enforce class rules (CR) regulations and conduct periodical discussion forums with measurers of SARSA.
e) Conduct any enquiries regarding interpretations of the class rules.
f) Arrange Event Measurements when required and carry out spot checks during National events on behalf of SARSA.
Application for a Boat number or Personal number must be made to the NMR via a Club Secretary or Commodore who must confirm that the member is in good standing with his Club and SARSA.
The club Secretary or other delegated Club Official shall collect the relevant fees which shall be passed on to the NMR.
The following registration fees apply for the application for a Measurement Certificate on all classes.
New registration R 20.00
Change of ownership R10.00
Minor alterations R 5.00 (if Class rules dictate recording of alterations)
The MNR shall allocate numbers as required. The BOAT NUMBER shall be reserved for 6 months to allow for building and measuring the boat. This number will automatically become null and void if a measurement form is not received within the above time frame unless an arrangement has been reached with the member.
The number allocated must be placed on the outside of the boat, preceded by the letters RSA. (e.g. RSA 495) with a minimum height of 20 mm. in accordance with the class rules.
Boat numbers for all classes shall be allocated in ascending order and once a number has been allocated it cannot be deleted or re-used on another hull. The NMR must be notified if the hull is scrapped
In the event of Change of ownership the NMR must be advised and a Change of Ownership form shall be completed by the NMR in accordance with the class rules.
Owners of registered boats, upon selling their boat, must hand over the Measurement Certificate to the new owner and advise the purchaser for the need to transfer the registration to their name.
No boat shall be eligible to race if the measurement forms have not been received and recorded by the NMR.
Members must be prepared to present their Measurement Certificate at a Club, Provincial or National event. Measurement forms shall not supersede a Measurement Certificate at Provincial and National events.
PERSONAL NUMBERS will be issued from 01 – 99 only. Personal numbers may be duplicated with other provinces but not within a province if this becomes necessary.
The hull registration number will not be used in RSA for sail numbers in accordance with E6 APPENDIX G – IDENTIFICATION ON SAILS Rule G1.1(c) dd 4 Oct 02. SARSA has opted for the personal number system (See appendix A: Identification on Sails dd 4 Oct 02)
The Personal Number will consist of two (2) digits i.e. a single digit must be preceded by a “0” thus 1 becomes 01. Refer to the relevant sail marking rules or club Measurer for placement and sizes of the numbers.
The Club Secretaries shall supply the NMR annually with a list of their members in good standing, three months after the start of their Club’s financial year, in order that the database can be kept up to date. Once a Personal Number has been allocated, that number is dedicated to that particular skipper for as long as he/she is Member in good standing of SARSA.
At events where sail numbers clash, The skipper who registered first for the event will retain his/her number and the second skipper will then place a “1” in front of the existing number. The race organising committee can prescribe a suitable identification if there are more than two boats with the same personal number.
On completion of the event the “1” or temporary identification number must be removed.
On Change of ownership, the seller must ensure that the buyer is aware of the necessity to change sail numbers and the onus is on the seller to ensure that his number is not used by another skipper in the same area.
The NMR shall be kept advised by the Clubs of the appointment of Club Measurers together with their contact details.
The Measurers shall: -
a) Provide the measuring equipment and possess complete and up to date copies of class rules and interpretations, racing rules, and any other relevant documents.
b) Carry out measurement so that the dimensions are taken accurately.
c) Measure as required by class rules and the relevant racing rules, and record the findings, either on the class Measurement Form, if measuring at the request of the owner or manufacturer, or in a report to the appropriate race committee.
d) Keep a record of each completed Measurement Form or measurement report, giving the date of measurement, the effective date of the class rules used, the class of boat, sail and Boat number, actual measurements taken, and any relevant comments.
e) On Measurement of a boat, the Club Measurer shall post or E-Mail the complete measurement form/s to the NMR. If E-Mail is not possible a stamped, self-addressed envelope with the Measurement Form/s must be sent to the NMR. The NMR shall endeavour to return the certificates by E-Mail to reduce costs. The NMR shall forward the Measurement Certificate as soon as possible after receipt of the Measurement Forms.
Should a measurer be in any doubt as to the application, interpretation or compliance with a rule or measurement instruction, the question should be referred in writing to the NMR, who in turn may refer to SARSA for clarification. Under no circumstances is a measurer to contact the ISAF-RSD Technical Committee directly. A measurer shall not measure any part of a boat owned, designed or built by him, or in which he/she is an interested party, or has a vested interest, except where permitted by the National Authority. A personal Measurement Certificate of the NMR shall be signed by the President of SARSA or a person delegated by him.
President SARSA
b) Issue Boat Registration Numbers and Personal Numbers as and when requested via club Secretaries or Commodores.
c) Issue Measurement Certificates to valid measurement forms.
d) Enforce class rules (CR) regulations and conduct periodical discussion forums with measurers of SARSA.
e) Conduct any enquiries regarding interpretations of the class rules.
f) Arrange Event Measurements when required and carry out spot checks during National events on behalf of SARSA.
Application for a Boat number or Personal number must be made to the NMR via a Club Secretary or Commodore who must confirm that the member is in good standing with his Club and SARSA.
The club Secretary or other delegated Club Official shall collect the relevant fees which shall be passed on to the NMR.
The following registration fees apply for the application for a Measurement Certificate on all classes.
New registration R 20.00
Change of ownership R10.00
Minor alterations R 5.00 (if Class rules dictate recording of alterations)
The MNR shall allocate numbers as required. The BOAT NUMBER shall be reserved for 6 months to allow for building and measuring the boat. This number will automatically become null and void if a measurement form is not received within the above time frame unless an arrangement has been reached with the member.
The number allocated must be placed on the outside of the boat, preceded by the letters RSA. (e.g. RSA 495) with a minimum height of 20 mm. in accordance with the class rules.
Boat numbers for all classes shall be allocated in ascending order and once a number has been allocated it cannot be deleted or re-used on another hull. The NMR must be notified if the hull is scrapped
In the event of Change of ownership the NMR must be advised and a Change of Ownership form shall be completed by the NMR in accordance with the class rules.
Owners of registered boats, upon selling their boat, must hand over the Measurement Certificate to the new owner and advise the purchaser for the need to transfer the registration to their name.
No boat shall be eligible to race if the measurement forms have not been received and recorded by the NMR.
Members must be prepared to present their Measurement Certificate at a Club, Provincial or National event. Measurement forms shall not supersede a Measurement Certificate at Provincial and National events.
PERSONAL NUMBERS will be issued from 01 – 99 only. Personal numbers may be duplicated with other provinces but not within a province if this becomes necessary.
The hull registration number will not be used in RSA for sail numbers in accordance with E6 APPENDIX G – IDENTIFICATION ON SAILS Rule G1.1(c) dd 4 Oct 02. SARSA has opted for the personal number system (See appendix A: Identification on Sails dd 4 Oct 02)
The Personal Number will consist of two (2) digits i.e. a single digit must be preceded by a “0” thus 1 becomes 01. Refer to the relevant sail marking rules or club Measurer for placement and sizes of the numbers.
The Club Secretaries shall supply the NMR annually with a list of their members in good standing, three months after the start of their Club’s financial year, in order that the database can be kept up to date. Once a Personal Number has been allocated, that number is dedicated to that particular skipper for as long as he/she is Member in good standing of SARSA.
At events where sail numbers clash, The skipper who registered first for the event will retain his/her number and the second skipper will then place a “1” in front of the existing number. The race organising committee can prescribe a suitable identification if there are more than two boats with the same personal number.
On completion of the event the “1” or temporary identification number must be removed.
On Change of ownership, the seller must ensure that the buyer is aware of the necessity to change sail numbers and the onus is on the seller to ensure that his number is not used by another skipper in the same area.
The NMR shall be kept advised by the Clubs of the appointment of Club Measurers together with their contact details.
The Measurers shall: -
a) Provide the measuring equipment and possess complete and up to date copies of class rules and interpretations, racing rules, and any other relevant documents.
b) Carry out measurement so that the dimensions are taken accurately.
c) Measure as required by class rules and the relevant racing rules, and record the findings, either on the class Measurement Form, if measuring at the request of the owner or manufacturer, or in a report to the appropriate race committee.
d) Keep a record of each completed Measurement Form or measurement report, giving the date of measurement, the effective date of the class rules used, the class of boat, sail and Boat number, actual measurements taken, and any relevant comments.
e) On Measurement of a boat, the Club Measurer shall post or E-Mail the complete measurement form/s to the NMR. If E-Mail is not possible a stamped, self-addressed envelope with the Measurement Form/s must be sent to the NMR. The NMR shall endeavour to return the certificates by E-Mail to reduce costs. The NMR shall forward the Measurement Certificate as soon as possible after receipt of the Measurement Forms.
Should a measurer be in any doubt as to the application, interpretation or compliance with a rule or measurement instruction, the question should be referred in writing to the NMR, who in turn may refer to SARSA for clarification. Under no circumstances is a measurer to contact the ISAF-RSD Technical Committee directly. A measurer shall not measure any part of a boat owned, designed or built by him, or in which he/she is an interested party, or has a vested interest, except where permitted by the National Authority. A personal Measurement Certificate of the NMR shall be signed by the President of SARSA or a person delegated by him.
President SARSA